My love of Tarot

I remember the first time I had a Tarot reading. I was half-drunk on the Las Vegas strip and my boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to step inside a closet of a trailer advertising psychic readings to see what the future held for us. I was given the option of palm reading or Tarot cards. Now, I had never given much thought to Tarot- I was raised LDS (Mormon, for those of you who aren’t as familiar with that term) and tools for divination were frowned upon. The concept seemed so foreign to me; connecting with “the other side” to read the messages coming through symbolic photographs. And because I was half-drunk it was an experience that I didn’t fully embrace. In fact, all I can remember is the Devil showing up and her asking me cryptically, “how are you getting in your own way?”


Fast forward to 2020.. I had just discovered Human Design and was enraptured with the information I was delving into. I had gone to a local metaphysics shop to find a new crystal or two that would support where I was in the beginning of the transformation I was experiencing. As I stood in the center of the shop, waiting to respond to something that caught my eye, I intuitively turned towards a case I had never paid much attention to before. Inside of it were about 30 Tarot decks of different sizes, shapes and colors. I felt this expansion in my gut and knew I needed one. I asked which deck would be best to get started with; the Smith-Waite was my answer. I selected a deck, took it home and opened it. I sat and shuffled and shuffled and shuffled and was overcome with this calming, soothing feeling in my body. I recalled learning how to shuffle when I was eight years old… I spent an entire summer practicing the Bridge and acknowledging the peace it brought upon me.


I didn’t dive too deep into Tarot right away. I was too focused on Human Design and learning all I could about that topic! And then one day, shortly after I had started experimenting with determination (mine is cold), cards started jumping out of the deck. I would take note of the artwork, recognizing how it made me feel, what thoughts and feelings it brought up. I started wondering if it had anything to do with my touch cognition… there was a new frequency to the cards, a new resonance with them. I finally asked the cards my first set of questions. “Why was I drawn to the Tarot?” “How am I meant to use them?” I pulled the Tower and the Hierophant, respectively. Now, if you are familiar with Tarot, you might have your own interpretation of these cards. For me, it was tearing down old foundations and limiting beliefs and embracing something new to be able to guide myself and others through life’s experiences. I immediately recognized the connection and timing of Human Design and Tarot entering my life in a year that was all about tearing down my foundations. There was a beautiful awareness in knowing it was just the beginning of some major changes.


Tarot is a tool. Sure, there are many who use it in the context of “fortune telling,” however the benefit I derive from it is the opportunity to create and strengthen a deeper relationship with yourSelf. Exploring the cards leads one down a path of connection to something deeper inside that is being brought into awareness. As an emotional being (my solar plexus is defined through the 41-30), waiting for clarity can sometimes be such a struggle for the not-Self. Using Tarot has allowed me to create space for that clarity to come by playing with the cards while waiting for that recognition.


Here’s a little fun fact… Although the Tarot was introduced originally as a playing card game in the 1400’s, it wasn’t until AFTER 1781 that the Tarot began being used for divination. In fact, the Waite-Smith deck, arguably the most famous deck known for Tarot readings, was created in 1909. Why is this intriguing to me? Well, it was in 1781 with the discovery of Uranus that the Human Design system identifies the shift of our species to homo-sapiens in transit. This was when the beginning of receptive beings was initiated. And now, as we get closer to the next major shift of our species in 2027, there are more humans on this Earth with receptivity as a part of their variables than ever before. I think using a tool such as the Tarot to explore the inner realms of our consciousness is a beautiful thing for receptive parts of our being.


If you are just getting started with Tarot, here are a few tips.

1.       Use Strategy and Authority to decide which deck to get started with. Take a sneak peek at the full deck by searching a flip through of it on YouTube.

2.       Spend some time with your deck. It’s important to infuse your energy into it, whether you are using it for yourself or others.

3.       Keep a journal. I love using a journaling app on my phone to take pictures of spreads and write down my thoughts and feelings about them.

4.       As much as possible, connect with the symbolism in the cards on your own, first! The handy dandy books with all of the meanings are great however what it means to you will always take precedence.

5.       Ask open questions? Avoiding the “should, would, could” words will keep both your conscious and unconscious open to exploration.


Think of the Tarot as a friend holding your hand. It is only with the best and purest intention that you turn to it and embrace what it holds for you!

Thanks for checking out this blog. If you’d like to play with your Tarot cards and learn some spreads for your Human Design, check out my free classes and register for the Fun With Tarot and Human Design class!


So, what is Human Design anyway?