So, what is Human Design anyway?

The first time I heard about Human Design was in a social media post. A young woman was talking about a map of energy that was determined at birth that gave a person insight into both the conscious and unconscious ways it could potentially express itself. She also mentioned how depending on our personal map, we might be more susceptible to certain kinds of conditioning. I was like, wait… what? I NEED TO KNOW MORE!

And sharing is caring (or so says my collective frequency) so, this blog post is meant to answer all of your basic questions about Human Design…

“The Human Design system is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It is neither stories nor philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being, a mapping of your genetic code. This ability to be able to detail the mechanics of our nature in such depth is obviously profound because it reveals our complete nature in all its subtleties. Human Design opens the door to the potential of self-love, a love of life and the love of others through understanding.” – Ra Uru Hu

So, who is this Ra guy, anyway? Ra Uru Hu is the founder of Human Design system. He received the information through an encounter with what is known as “the Voice.” The transmission lasted several days and when it was over, Ra began documenting and informing others on the Science of Differentiation. Now, there are many other articles and interesting facts about this encounter, but that’s for another day and another blog post!

The Science of Differentiation is a synthesis of several different systems including the western Zodiac, the ancient Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu Chakra system, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and astrology along with geometry, quantum physics and astronomy. By using your precise birth time, location and date of birth you can access your personal user’s manual that explains how your unique inner guidance is meant to operate. By understanding how it is that we are truly different, we can stop trying to be what everyone else wants or expects and re-learn what it means to be ourselves.

Understanding your chart will give you the tools that you need to live life awake. Practicing strategy and authority is the first experiment. Your strategy and authority give you a way to navigate life and make decisions correctly as the unique being you are. Strategy helps to eliminate resistance- signs of resistance can be bitterness, frustration, disappointment and anger. Authority is our inner compass that guides our decision-making process. Strategy and authority is ultimately scratching the surface of what the mechanics are but it’s enough to transform your life!

Strategy comes from the type of person you are. There are four types of people in this world with one sub-type: manifestors, projectors, reflectors, generators and manifesting generators. From my experience so far, it’s incredibly empowering to be able to engage with others according to their type. For example, both of my younger children are generators but my son is a manifesting generator. Their energy levels, health and quality of sleep have improved by not forcing them to go to bed at a certain time. And for my son, it’s actually better when he stays up even longer to read for a bit! As a mom, it took a lot for me to set aside my expectation of a set bedtime. And what usually happens is they go to bed near that time anyway- there’s just no longer a fight about it!!

Anyway, the next most relevant thing to understand is definition. Where it is that the chart is “filled in” you can see your fixed definition. It doesn’t change over time. It’s YOU, 100%. Definition can be in just a single gate, in a channel (where two gates connect) and in a center holding the gates of those channels. This part of you is fixed and, in some ways, limited. It is consistent energy though that is vital to your BE-ing. Where it is we do not have definition, we are open to conditioning. This can be positive or negative, conscious or unconscious, chosen or not. It’s how the world, environment, and people in it affect us. We are here to be conditioned, it’s part of our human experience. But when conditioning strips us of our authenticity and clouds our inner compass, we will experience something far different than what we are meant to potentially live for. The next part of the Human Design experiment is deconditioning!

Deconditioning is a process, a lifelong journey. Some might think, well why ever start then? Because the moment you begin experimenting with strategy and authority, you potentially become aware of what life without resistance looks like. Deconditioning deepens that awareness. It’s like changing the oil in your car; if you want it to drive the way it was designed to, you’ve got to get rid of the gunk in the motor.

So, if you want to live life as yourself and do so with as much ease as possible, consider this:

“Human Design offers a mechanical understanding of the nature of being. With understanding comes a genuine revolution, the realignment of a life and the awakening of awareness. Human Design offers a methodology uniquely tailored to your design that liberates you from ‘not-self’ conditioning. It is called Strategy & Authority and it is the catalyst of transformation.

Most important to recognize is that this is knowledge to be experimented with. There is a way but it can only be your way. Allow this work to guide and inform you and then, if it is correct for you, enter into the most extraordinary journey of your life.” – Ra Uru Hu

Thanks for checking this blog post out! If you’d like to schedule your Human Design reading with me, I would be honored to educate you on your design mechanics! Until then…


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