A synergistic approach to physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

holistic support through human design and essential oil education

for living an intentional life


Does it seem like everything is changing and you aren’t sure what to do?

Do you know it’s time to pioneer your own way and experience life in a new way, but you don’t know where to start?

When I experienced this shift, I felt angry at first. Angry and lost.

And underneath that, scared. And that sucked- feeling completely disempowered is a terrible state of BE-ing.

Work With Me

  • Human Design Readings

    Human Design

    Human Design gives us a genetic blueprint of how our conscious and unconscious energy operates. When we understand the nature of our mechanics, and honor the nature of our energy, we have the opportunity to experience true awareness and fulfill the potential our life is designed for.

  • Essential Oils

    Essential oils offer a natural way to support your body’s physical, emotional, environmental, and even financial needs! Working together gives YOU the support you need to integrate these tools and shift into empowerment!

  • Yoga, Bodywork

    The health and well-being of the mind and spirit is directly connected to our physical sense of well-being. Yoga instruction is available at a local studio and through private, in-home sessions as well as online options. Bodywork available by request only, email to inquire.

Hey there! I’m Carla; mother and dancing queen with nearly 20 years of experience working with the human body and being deeply curious about personal growth and transformation. For those familiar with Human Design, I’m a 2/4 emotional generator, triple split, RAX Contagion with the Channels of Curiosity, Acceptance, Discovery, Recognition and the Beat.

I’m also deeply passionate about you and your happiness.

Because I’ve lived in the shadows of loss, trauma, and pain. I have felt disempowered, lost, and lived in a state of reaction and fear. The worst part though was believing there was nothing I could really do to change it. And then somewhere it clicked- the one constant thing in life IS change!

And it starts with us... within us. With the right tools, knowledge, and support you can get through any season of your life with ease and purpose.

It would be my honor to guide you towards your own personal empowerment, to educate you on how your energy is designed to be experienced, to educate you on how to support your emotions and physical body with gifts from Mother Earth, to be a facilitator of love for deepening self-awareness.

Start Today

  • Join Living Your Design

    Living Your Design is a 10-week awakening program to help you understand the mechanics of the Maia. By understanding core concepts of the Human Design system, you can feel empowered to begin your own experiment with Strategy and Authority to begin living life as your true self.

  • Essential Oil Starter Kit

    Are you ready to learn more about essential oils? Click the button below to get started with my favorite oil kit!

  • Not Sure Where to Start?

    Need a consultation first? Connect with me for a free 30-minute discovery call to see what approach is best for you! Whether it’s Living Your Design, bodywork and yoga or essential oil and natural solutions to support you, I am honored to be your health and wellness cheerleader!